Innovation is coming 🚀🤟

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Can you believe it's time for our eleventh Innovation Days? Looking back, it's pretty awesome to see how far we've come – from the firework of ideas at the first GRID to the regular bonanza of new concepts and solutions. And we're not stopping. As we gear up for the this one, we bring you some extra fun pre-GRID with a bunch of presentations and workshops during our brand new Innovation Fest.

Innovation is in Graphisoft’s DNA. It is our innovations that will shape our company’s future, therefore we need to excel in our efforts to inspire great ideas and support their realization.

GRID - Graphisoft Innovation Days – is an ideation and innovation challenge that gives you the opportunity to come up with - and implement your ideas, pushing your limits. Any idea that solves a customer pain point, improves an internal process or demonstrates an emerging technology is welcome in the challenge.

AI, Automation, Sustainability and Early Design

Our industry has been gradually transforming, new trends appear on the horizon. This year, GRID11 will revolve around the topics of AI, Automation, Sustainability and Early Design. AI is revolutionizing the field of Building Information Modeling softwares, automation streamlines repetitive tasks, allowing both our customers and our colleagues to focus more on creative solutions while ensuring accuracy and consistency throughout the process. Early design solutions are critical for setting the foundation of a project, where key decisions regarding functionality, aesthetics, and sustainability are made, shaping the entire trajectory of the building's development. Building sustainability is crucial for mitigating environmental impact, promoting resource efficiency, and creating resilient structures that contribute to a more sustainable future for generations to come.

This year the Innovation Driver Team decided to put more focus on these areas, so let’s see what extremes our innovative spirit can reach!

Consider it guidance of focus, not a limitation!

April 25 -
May 28

1. Ideation & team-up

  • Using Jira, throw in ideas
  • Get comments and evaluations on your ideas, while in turn you can evaluate others’ ideas
  • Invite members to your team, join teams of other ideas
  • Apply „Team formed” transition to your idea when you are done with setting up your team
  • Make sure that you have joined the chosen teams and you are listed among the team members (if you want to work alone on your idea, make sure that only you are listed as a team member1 )
  • Browse ideas
  • As soon as you have an idea-seed or people in the team, enter it to Jira! This information is great help to the organizers (demo day time management, goodie orders, etc.)
April 23
16:00 CEST

2. Inspiration for Innovation Ideas by Product Success

The purpose of this presentation is to prepare for the upcoming Think Tank, which will be the part of the Innovation Fest. This presentation is made by Product Success and assists you in identifying and developing the best innovative ideas to focus on during the upcoming Think Tank, the main areas are: AI, Automation, Sustainability.

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April 26
9:00 CEST

3. Innovation Fest

Let’s warm up together! To gear up for the eleventh edition of GRID, we invite you to join our Innovation Fest, which will serve as a warm-up event before the challenge. Engaging sessions, workshops and think tanks will be organized and even experts from Google and Microsoft will visit us. Don't miss this unparalleled opportunity to network with your collegaues and external professionals, gain valuable insights, and be inspired to push the boundaries of architectural innovation. Stay tuned! More detailes coming soon!

May 28
09:00 CEST

4. Development

Opening Ceremony

Firing the starting gun. Getting the ball rolling with the kick-off whistle. Commence innovating. There are so many fancy words to ornament the simple fact that this is where GRID11 starts. Come and be a part of it through the live event or in person, munching the delicacies served at the traditional Breakfast for Champions Innovators.

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  • Design and create the solution / prototype with the team. You are not required to fully complete development, starting the first phase of a larger scope project is enough
  • You should be able to demonstrate at least the solution concept of your idea (and a UI design, if relevant)
  • You have 4 workdays for development. If needed, you may work on your solution during the weekend
  • The demo day schedule will be announced on June 3
  • Submit your demo presentation latest on June 2 (Sunday), 20:00 CEST (attach it to the idea in Jira)
  • Breakfast for Innovators returns! On every GRID day, including Demo Day, breakfast will be served between 8:30-9:00 in the GraphiCAFE. Good food, great coffee, fellow innovators.
June 2
20:00 CEST
Demo presentation submission deadline
June 3
8:00 - 18:00 CEST

5. Demo day

  • Demo presentations: on June 3 (Monday), between 8:00 – 18:00 (depending on the number of projects)
    presentations will be done in a Teams live event.
  • Join the meeting at least 10 mins before your presentation is scheduled, in order to be prepared
  • Present your idea in maximum 5 minutes: the problem, it’s impact and the solution concept
  • The presentation can be a video uploaded here in this format. After uploading make sure you set "Share the link with People in Graphisoft SE" in Sharing settings!
  • Even better if you can demo with a prototype (or show the UI design)
  • Share your learnings and conclusions as well
  • The judge panel might ask you a few questions (max. 3 minutes)
  • Audience’s favourite voting will take place between 18:00 and 12:00 next day
  • Breakfast for Innovators: Demo day breakfast will be served between 8:30-9:00 in the GraphiCAFE. Good food, great coffee, fellow innovators.
  • The demo day schedule will be announced on June 3

Demo Day Technical Session
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Demo Day Business Session
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June 10
16:00 - 16:45 CEST

6. Evaluation & awarding

The judge panel will evaluate all demo presentations and awards will recognize excellence wherever it is clearly visible with special awards. No idea should be withheld by self-censure for not having enough "contest winning potential".
All teams will have the opportunity to get feedback on their evaluation.

7. Follow up

Ideas will be sorted by the Innovation Driver team. If your innovation is selected for further implementation, you will get dedicated time to work on your GRID project. It can happen in several ways:

  • Innovation Council will decide which ideas have the opportunity to continue as an innovation project.
  • Mature ideas that can be completed within a reasonable time (1-2 sprints) may be supported by a PO and get dedicated time for the implementation between GRIDs.
  • Ideas not mature enough can continue on next GRID.
  • If the time needed for the completion of the idea cannot be foretold, it can continue as a "spike" on next GRID.
  • SPARK-s may be used for continue a promising GRID project during the year not only for shining in a new idea.
  • Remaining ideas will be closed.

Got questions?

In Teams join the GRID O365 team channel to ask questions about the challenge and to review others’ discussion.

Join GRID O365 on Teams




Innovation is in Graphisoft’s DNA. We can be proud of our achievements, meanwhile we should always seek new, maybe even disruptive ways

  • to serve our clients with more value-adding products / services,
  • to improve our internal operations and
  • to experiment with new technologies or business models

GRID - Graphisoft Innovation Days – is an ideation and innovation challenge that gives you opportunity to come up with- and implement your ideas yourself or in a team, or join a team working on some great idea. Any idea that solves a customer pain point, improves an internal process or demonstrates an emerging technology is welcome in the challenge.


We believe that Graphisoft’s success lies in the hands of it’s creative people. It is our innovations that will shape our company’s future, therefore we need to excel in our efforts to inspire great ideas and to support their realization.

GRID is an opportunity for you to launch and work freely on your own idea, to try out new technologies (on a use case that delivers benefits to the user), develop yourself in yet unknown skills, and push your limits.

Winners of the challenge are awarded, with further recognition in case the project is carried on for implementation.


Software Success and Product Success colleagues may participate automatically.

Other functions are also invited to join a team, but should get approval from their manager first.

Anyone can join and watch the live Teams events of the demo day and the awarding ceremony.